Interview with 2021 VeganFlix Video Seed Grant Recipient Yann Morine

We at VeganFlix had the wonderful chance to connect with Yann about his project B12. Yann is among the 2021 recipients of our VeganFlix Video Seed Grant. Look out for his project and enjoy the interview below!
VF: Hey Yann, thank you so much for joining us to discuss your project! We’d love to know more about your video/story theme.
YM: B12 talks about veganism, social pressure, bullying, and the overwhelming feeling one can endure when trying to blend in a toxic environment. John, the main character, suffers for being different in a society that wants him to think and behave a certain way. Thankfully, his love and compassion for animals soothe the suffering he undergoes. I hope, with this story, to discuss how animals make us better humans if we choose to appreciate them differently.
VF: How did this idea come to you?
YM: I wrote the first draft of the whole script in a single day during the summer of 2019, when living in London. I scribbled on several topics I dealt with personally: corporate life, bullying, and how we hold violence against animals as socially acceptable. At the same time, the rich local wildlife, including birds, squirrels, and other foxes surrounding me, was profoundly inspiring. The stark contrast between the dense urban environment in which I was living and those animals inhabiting it was captivating.
VF: What are your current and/or future filmmaking goals?
YM: My goal is for B12 to enter the short movie festival circuit. I focus all my energy on making that story come to life in 2021. I am lucky to learn and to receive help from talented people about screenwriting and directing. In the future, I aspire to produce the feature film I wrote a couple of months ago.
Thanks Yann, we look forward to B12 and more of your awesome work!